Society for Ecological Restoration International
Global community of forest restoration practitioners across the globe including researchers and community leaders actively involved in restoring degraded ecosystems.

Latest news

Study traces the panorama of cocoa farming on the coast of southern Bahia

The southern region of Bahia is known for its natural beauty, coastal richness and also for the cacao activity that, for more than 200 years

Agreement will reforest degraded areas of Parque do Conduru

Reforesting 30 hectares of degraded areas in the Serra do Conduru State Park by the end of 2008 is the main objective of the signed agreement,

Produção de mudas do Viveiro no primeiro trimestre de 2024

Seguindo o calendário fenológico das mudas produzidas pelo IFV, no primeiro trimestre do ano realizamos coletas e beneficiamento de sementes de ingá-periquito, massaranduba, bacupari,

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biomes for Brazil and the world.

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materials and equipment
for our activities.

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at Floresta Viva.

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