Get to know the RMA, a network created from a debate within Rio-92 Global Forum, with the aim of forming a large web of information and relationships between the entities that work for the preservation of the Atlantic Forest.

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Confraternização da equipe de colaboradores do Instituto Floresta Viva

Aproveitamos o início do ano para reunir nossa equipe de colaboradores em uma confraternização da organização. Pudemos desfrutar juntos de um almoço no restaurante

Agreement will reforest degraded areas of Parque do Conduru

Reforesting 30 hectares of degraded areas in the Serra do Conduru State Park by the end of 2008 is the main objective of the signed agreement,

Mayor of Itacaré seeks partnership with Floresta Viva for environmental preservation

The Mayor of Itacaré, Antônio de Anízio, visited the Floresta Viva Institute with the aim of establishing partnerships with the City Hall in order to guarantee a

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biomes for Brazil and the world.

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