Get to know the RMA, a network created from a debate within Rio-92 Global Forum, with the aim of forming a large web of information and relationships between the entities that work for the preservation of the Atlantic Forest.

Latest news

Instituto Floresta Viva marca presença em Evento do Guardiões do Clima

No mês de março, o IFV foi convidado a participar do primeiro evento de ativação do projeto Destino Turístico Guardião do Clima no Brasil,

HNG and Floresta Viva launch project for Botanical Garden in Serra Grande

On May 31, the Human Network of Brazil and Instituto Floresta Viva will announce the launch of the Botanical Garden project

Produção de mudas do Viveiro no primeiro trimestre de 2024

Seguindo o calendário fenológico das mudas produzidas pelo IFV, no primeiro trimestre do ano realizamos coletas e beneficiamento de sementes de ingá-periquito, massaranduba, bacupari,

Collaborate with Floresta Viva

Contribute to the preservation and development of one of the most important and necessary
biomes for Brazil and the world.

Donate Seeds,
materials and equipment
for our activities.

Donate your time.
Learn how to be a volunteer
at Floresta Viva.

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to priority needs.