Globo Repórter - Atlantic Forest

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Study traces the panorama of cocoa farming on the coast of southern Bahia

The southern region of Bahia is known for its natural beauty, coastal richness and also for the cacao activity that, for more than 200 years

Aniversário de 20 anos do Instituto Floresta Viva é matéria da TV Santa Cruz

The Floresta Viva Institute turned 20 years old! To celebrate this milestone, a celebration was held at the Institute's headquarters that recalled the entire trajectory and also shared plans for the organization's future.

Pesquisadores visitam o Campo Cheiroso para explorar o ecossistema da Mussununga

No mês de setembro, tivemos a honra de receber Daniela Zappi, botânica, pesquisadora e professora da UNB e Nigel Taylor, especialista em Cactaceae, que

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Contribute to the preservation and development of one of the most important and necessary
biomes for Brazil and the world.

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materials and equipment
for our activities.

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Learn how to be a volunteer
at Floresta Viva.

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to priority needs.