The Bulletin of the National Tropical Garden - Here you can access some articles from the print magazine of the National Tropical Botanical Garden, a non-profit organization dedicated to the discovery, conservation and study of tropical plants.

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Pesquisadores visitam o Campo Cheiroso para explorar o ecossistema da Mussununga

No mês de setembro, tivemos a honra de receber Daniela Zappi, botânica, pesquisadora e professora da UNB e Nigel Taylor, especialista em Cactaceae, que

SOS inaugurates seedling nursery in Bahia

The organization's objective is to produce 100,000 seedlings per harvest of species from the Atlantic Forest. The SOS Mata Atlântica Foundation in partnership with the

Study traces the panorama of cocoa farming on the coast of southern Bahia

The southern region of Bahia is known for its natural beauty, coastal richness and also for the cacao activity that, for more than 200 years

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