20 x 20 Initiative - International effort - launched at COP 20 in Lima - to restore 20 million hectares in Latin America and the Caribbean by 2020. The action is supported by the World Resources Institute (WRI) and Floresta Viva is part of our network of partners

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Confira as produções de nosso Viveiro de Árvores Nativas

Entre as espécies produzidas no terceiro trimestre de 2024, destacaram-se o Jequitibá, Vinhático, Jacarandá-da-Bahia, Fruta-de-macaco, Roxinho e Sibipiruna.

Nova Liderança no Instituto Floresta Viva: Juliana Simionato Costa assume Diretoria Executiva

O Instituto Floresta Viva tem o prazer de anunciar a nomeação de Juliana Simionato Costa como sua nova Diretora Executiva.

Agreement will reforest degraded areas of Parque do Conduru

Reforesting 30 hectares of degraded areas in the Serra do Conduru State Park by the end of 2008 is the main objective of the signed agreement,

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biomes for Brazil and the world.

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for our activities.

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at Floresta Viva.

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